After having written about monitoring and driving an old fuel furnace, next step was to control a fancy thermodynamic boiler to optimize energy boiler uses.
My boiler is a Remeha Azorra 200E, I wanted to be able to monitor its proper functioning:
- Measure power consumption;
- Mesure temperatures of air inlet, water tank and water output.
To achieve this, I used two very different devices:
- Power consumption : ZigBee Smart plug;
- Temperatures : WeMos D1 Mini ESP8266 with three DS18B20.
This post focuses on the WeMos assembly.
Bill Of Materials
Since most of the parts are inexpensive, you might already have some available. If not threat yourself with a kit to be ready for more assemblies!
Part | Quantity | Approx. Price |
Perfboard : Main PCB to put your assembly | 1 | 15€ for a set of 34 |
PCB 2 pin terminal : Optional direct 5V power input | 1 | 10€ for a set of 50 |
PCB 3 pin terminal : One per temp sensor | 4 | 14€ for a set of 50 |
WeMos D1 Mini ESP8266 : The brain | 1 | 5€ |
DS18B20 : Waterproof temp sensors with 1m wire | 3 | 10€ for a set of 10 |
Flexible silicone wire rolls : To wire the board | 1 | 12€ for a set of 5 spools of 10 meters |
Resistors assortment kit : One 4.7Kohm for data bus of DS18B20 | 1 | 5€ for a set of 500 |
The DS18B20 uses 3 pins along with a very simple wiring :
- GND : Directly connected to GND of the module;
- +3.3V : Directly connected to +3.3V of the module;
- Data : Connected to D7 (my setup, use your own).
The data pin uses a bus protocol allowing multiple sensors on the same pin of the Wemos.
It is therefore possible to use up to 8 DS18x20 devices on a single device. More is possible but unsupported, see the docs : DS18x20 temperature sensor.
The only requirement is to add a 4.7K Ohm between +3.3V and data pin (get a Resistors assortment kit).
The assembly is pretty straightforward, the only trick to place the resistor.
I’ve decided to use dedicated terminals for each device to prevent mistakes, even if I’ve planned for 3 DS18B20, I’ve placed a forth extra PCB 3 pin terminal (air outlet, extra tank sensor…). Truth being I only had 3 DS18B20 left.
Note 1 : Ignore markings on the PCB, I’ve layout board so that D7 and 3V3 were aligned with terminals. The extra wiring to distribute GND to all terminals and 5V to the optional power input (if not using USB directly to the Wemos).
Note 2 : I haven’t yet tested boiler mainboard for a 5V supply, I prefer to not fry it.
Boiler sensors
The three sensors are placed such that:
- First goes into air inlet;
- Second goes into central tank sensor hole;
- Last goes under outgoing water pipe insulation.
This is very easy and non-invasive.
Tasmota configuration
Configure template
Go to Configuration > Configure Other > Template
Configure WiFi
This should already be done using Web Installer configuration, if not go to Configuration > Configure WiFi.
Configure MQTT server and topic
Go to Console
Backlog mqtthost; mqttport 1883; mqttuser XXXX; mqttpassword XXXX; topic tasmotaBoiler
Enable Home Assistant
Starting with Tasmota >= 11, the Home Assistant auto discovery is no more available. Instead, use the Tasmota Integration.
To disable the Auto Discovery, go to Console
SetOption19 0
At this point, if your device doesn’t pop in the integration, your might have misconfigured the MQTT part.
Restart device
Go to Console
Restart 1
Testing the device
Tasmota web UI
After setup, the Tasmota web UI should report the DS18B20 temperature values.
Note : The order of the sensors is based on their physical internal addresses. Just power the board and map within Home Assistant afterward.
Going into Configuration > Configure Template, let’s check how the pins are setup.

Home Assistant
The Tasmota integration helps showing the details of your newly added Tasmota device.
After initial setup in Home Assistant, it is a piece of cake to add the sensors to a dashboard’s view.
Note I have an additional sensor for room temperature : Sonoff SNZB-02 – Temperature / humidity sensor
For full reference, here is my YAML for theses cards.
type: vertical-stack cards: - show_name: true show_icon: false show_state: true type: glance entities: - entity: sensor.sonde_chaufferie_temperature name: Chaufferie - entity: sensor.tasmota_boiler_ds18b20_3_temperature name: Arrivée air - entity: sensor.tasmota_boiler_ds18b20_2_temperature name: Ballon - entity: sensor.tasmota_boiler_ds18b20_1_temperature name: Eau en sortie title: Boiler columns: 4 state_color: false - type: history-graph entities: - entity: sensor.sonde_chaufferie_temperature name: Chaufferie - entity: sensor.tasmota_boiler_ds18b20_3_temperature name: Arrivée air - entity: sensor.tasmota_boiler_ds18b20_2_temperature name: Ballon - entity: sensor.tasmota_boiler_ds18b20_1_temperature name: Eau en sortie - type: history-graph entities: - entity: sensor.prise_13z_boiler_polledsmartenergysummation name: Consommation cumulée
I had some hard time using the ZigBee plugs to monitor power consumption as some devices were not reliable, see Home Assistant – Zigbee device updates : ZHA & ZHA_TOOLKIT OTA.
However adding DS18B20 was very easy using Tasmota and the PCB is also very easy to build since you basically need 3 pins and one resistor.
Next steps / options :
- Add sensors to measure air outlet;
- Control air intake to use either outside or inside air based on outdoor temperature;
- Put device into a nice box;
- Tap a 5V supply from within the boiler;
- Control boiler main power to reduce work time, maybe even when air is the hottest.
2 thoughts on “Monitoring a boiler using Tasmota on ESP8266 and DS18B20 sensors”
(2023-06-10 - 20:29)Hello,
How do you get you 3 sensors values into the tasmota webpage ?
I’ve got a ESP01 (with only one digital I/O), with 3x DS18B20 connected and it shows only one temperature.
(2023-06-11 - 12:28)Hi!
The DS18x20 are using a bus, so as long as they are wired correctly, they should all show.
Maybe it’s related to power shortage or a missing resistor?
I’ve added a screenshot of Configuration > Configure Template in the post, can you check your setup? The ping would probably be different.
Good luck!